Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Stressed out

Heh - I mentioned "Drilling and Screwing" as a title for my last blog, and then didn't talk about it. Not to worry - the drilling was last Wednesday's visit the the dentist. Next appointment is in August :-) I can't remember what the screwing was about... probably something technical, but I've been doing so much on that front, it's all merged into one blur now :-/

Friday evening was another busy one, although it was nice to see my parents again. I've decided to pull out of next Friday at Radio Witham, in favour of going to choir practise.

On Saturday I did a few running repairs at the radio station... fixed the red mic live light over the studio door, investigated replacing the lock on the rack unit, and re-seated the phone channel on the mixer.

No organ playing on Sunday, but had to be duty manager at the studio during the afternoon. I hoovered the carpet (and discovered one of the tubes for my hoover is missing - I presume it's buried in the bath). I replaced the air freeshener. I dusted the mixer. I *moved* the phone channel, because it was still playing up. It's left me feeling a bit stressed and worn out really.

On Sunday night, after another nagging from Mit, I replaced the cdrom drive in battenberg, and booted it off the Gentoo CD he gave me back in November. I've forwarded ssh to it, and I've let him get on with installing it for me. Will be nice to have my fileserver back... I just don't have time to look atfer it at the moment though :-(

Work on Monday was busy, and there was no let up at the radio station. I noted that someone has fiddled with the record level on the MD player in the rack - it was turned up full. There's really no need for that - it'll just over-mod if you turn it up full. I'm guessing someone was after more volume on the monitor speakers? Maybe I'll sort something off the DA at some point. I now suspect that the phone fault is something to do with the TBU, and not just the channel. However, whenever I test it, it works fine, but it does seem to play up on air. Didn't update the website last night... too tired.

I'm also begining to "feel" fat. I'm going to have to up the exercise and sort out a diet. Too many burgers and kebabs.


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