Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Losing lights

Friday night was designated "curry night" by the radio station management, in an attempt to break away from the stresses of the last few weeks. So after a couple of beers, we settled down for our meal. Just as we ordered our drinks it all went very dark. Ok, power cuts aren't that unusual, but then our phones started to ring with reports of a fire in the Slaughterhouse Lane area (near Morrisons). At this point, I gave Baz a nudge, who gathered some facts together, and drove down to see us. By this point, we'd phoned Lincs FM, and let them know what was going on. Power was restored after about 2 hours, we ate by candle light, and then went for further drinks. Got to give a meantion to Mark for giving me a lift home - I'd drunk rather more than I'd intended, and was glad of a free taxi.

I spent most of Saturday finishing the wiring, and playing with the compressor settings, which was going well until we were reduced to half power. This spurred us into buying some emergency lighted, and ordering 3 UPS units. Since we were buying, we also got a mic live light to put over the studio door.

On Sunday, after playing the organ at the congregational church (which I still really enjoy), I spent the rest of the day finally setting up the compressor how I want it, and noted the final settings. I'd initially got the knee a bit low at 12dB down, so I raised it to 8dB down, and the bottom end sounds so much brighter. I started to cable tie the back of the rack up propperly, and a little more permanently, but had to stop early for dinner, which was a birthday meal at Damons. I can't say it was one of my most enjoyable meals there - food good as ever, but the service was a bit sub-standard.

Monday was a bit of a dog of a day at work. It didn't matter what I tried, I couldn't get what I was working on to work. It sometimes goes like that, until I have an inspired moment, and it usually sorts itself out.

The evening was a bit of a mad rush. Met a new presenter called Tom for his second session at the mixer, so I showed him Jazler, and how we play adverts. I then did my fabled Ofcom presentation for the new presenters. At some point during the evening, Tim arrived from Loughborough. Shelagh and I had invited him over for a few quiet days, and to try to sort out the Boundary Sound network, that I haven't really got time to admin, and was begining to play up. So we finished the evening with beer and kebabs, having formulated, roughly, what was up with the network.

We failed to start webcasting yesterday because we hadn't confirmed the music licensing... something that I'll push to get done today, along with the UPS install and finish off cable tying the rack.


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