Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Burning the candle at both ends

I didn't have time to write anything on Friday. It's been heads down for the last week, and it's not really letting up, although I quite enjoy the challenges.

Thursday evening passed off with little incident, just a quick studio meeting.

Friday was just a blur of work. I forgot there was no choir practise due to the panto, so I spent the evening at the studio listening to Mark make a mess of a few weather forecasts while I fought with the network. I think I've solved the name service problem. I don't know what actually fixed it, because I sorted out several problems at once - ensuring I only had one DHCP server, not two, and then changing a load of DNS server settings, which don't seem to be propegating from the DCHP server as they should (I'm going to have to look at that, I suspect it's a failure with the ISP). I also added gateway to the hosts file on every machine (I can't add the others because the DHCP assigns different addresses all the time). I think that's just about sorted it.

Between Andy and I, we finished sorting the digital media library on Saturday, and I left the computer to process the files overnight, so that by Sunday afternoon, I'd got it all imported into the playout system, along with the voice tracking data and jingles. All ready to go on air. Just need to sort out the playlist templates now.

Andy and I spent last night fixing some other things that we've been putting off, such as fastening the semi-circular guest table to the back of the mixer to make it a bit more stable. We also trimmed and re-attached the studio doors. I've placed the mIRC machine next to the rack again, and started to wire it up, although I'm missing a couple of PS2 extension cables and a video extansion cable. Once I have them in place, I'll get that machine set up (it need reconfiguring). I've moved the PDS machine next to the rack, and off the producer's desk, then checked ircd was working ok, and edited the runlevels to ensure httpd was running. Sadly, I couldn't find where apache is keeping it's root files, so I couldn't put up a temporary intranet site, although Andy assures me he's written one to go on there, so as soon as I work out where everything is, I'll get that up and running so we can test it over the next week.

I think we've decided that we need someone to write all our weather forecasts in a standard format. Andy and I debated the usefulness of putting wind information in the forecast. Personally, I see no use for it, but Andy wants it as he uses it to decide whether or not he uses his bike.

I've re-plotted our propegation chart, which is a slight improvement on RSL 1, now that we've got rid of the steel pole, and replaced it with a lighter aluminium model, so we can use its full height (I think we're now much closer to the maximum height of 20m). Given that we've only been awarded 15W erp again, we need every bit of height going. I so desparately want to put the TX somewhere much better... we just can't get permission to do so. I've got a few ideas for a solution though. Need to talk to some people urgently to see if we can do it for RSL 3 though.

Finally, on the radio front, I received an email from Baz, who, amother other things, was selling a 30A PSU. I've been borrowing a PSU from the Waddington Club for nearly a year now, so it's about time I bought my own. Should be a good investment.


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