Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Making plans

I sometimes hate the way my brain works. An insight for you - I have many random conversations with lots of people on a wide range of topics. The conversations are often nothing special, but often, some point, which may not be key to the conversation will stick in my mind, often without me knowing it's got stuck. Then, days, weeks, months later, it'll come unstuck and I'm left wondering about it, wishing to complete the conversation in my head with renewed understanding. Maybe I just miss the point while having a conversation? I don't think so. Sometimes I play devil's advocate, and will happily drive down an obviously wrong path in order to make someone think, or rethink their reasons for chosing a belief if I think it's necessary. I don't always enjoy doing that. Sometimes I use it as a tool for forming my own opinions, as I don't always have any on some important subjects.

My point? I'm sitting here thinking about keeping my back warm after someone told me it is important that I do so. What an odd thing to be left thinking about! I don't fully understand this thought at the moment, and I'm wondering if the advice is valid. I might find out next year... because that's the way I discover life. Frustrating, slow, and ellusive.

In the more immediate future, there are lots of exciting things on the horizon. Boundary Sound's second RSL (Restricted Service License) starts in 55 days. Last night we came up with as close to the final programme schedule we could. About halfway through the meeting, I had an idea that spawned nearly an hour of creativeness... new programme ideas that I'm sure will be heard in February. I'm glad the idea to put a picture of my mug on the arse end of a Marshall's bus was a joke though. Lots of plans for the far future, which we're simply going to have to leave to March... there's enough to be getting on with for now.

I had a bit of a nastey shock last night. I noted that between 2pm and 6pm, my computer had uploaded over 100Mb of data over it's only active network connection. Now 20Mb, I might have passed off as ok (but even that sounds a bit high), but 100Mb is out of all proportion. I also noted that my machine was still uploading, so I ran a quick netstat, which showed the FTP ports connected to a .nl machine. I don't run an anonymous FTP server, certainly not with write permission. I closed it down pretty quickly, and investigated how bad the system compromise was. Looks like someone's back-doored IIS to use my machine as a DVD copying repository... complete with illegal directory names, etc. I had a hell of a job removing the unwanted data.


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