Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, December 13, 2004


I'm begining to hate Mondays as much as I hate Wednesdays. I look and feel like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards today (mental note: must fix webcam again). I'll explain this a bit later, after I've caught up with the weekend's activities.

Friday night was the Boundary Sound Christmas do at the show ground. Nice evening out all in all. The meal was edible, and there wasn't too much of it, nor did I feel there wasn't enough. My only complaint was that it felt rushed. I'd just tucked into my prawn cocktail starter, when the "DJ" (must remember his name... Noel... might be useful if I'm looking for radio talent - but he'll need some training) started to introduce all the tables, and hand out a quiz sheet. Come on :( I'm trying to EAT here! Anyway, I managed to finish my starter, and have a bit of conversation across the table, before the main course arrived. I nearly ended up serving the veg myself, but managed to sort it out, and start eating, when Noel decided it was time to start the quiz. Come on :( I'm trying to EAT here! He needn't of read out the questions anyway, as they were all on the sheet. Pudding was a little less disturbed, but as I'd chosen the cheese option (there's only so much pudding I can stand) it took me a few minutes more than the pudding eaters to get through it. I have to remark that the cheese was a good option, and I really enjoyed it. Sadly, coffee was being brought around while I was still eating my cheese, and I'd been so busy being distracted and trying to eat, that I'd only managed to drink half a pint by this point. Some how, I managed to get through it all. At least the disco was ok, Andy turned up later, and Duncan, Paul, Andy, and I propped the bar up until 1am.

Saturday... ugh. Actually, despite drinking loads, I wasn't hung over, but I was rather tired. Shelagh had taken the car to work some overtime, so I cycled (!) to town, and spent some time at the studio fighting with the new domain login setup. More work required there I fear. I took the opportunity to have a good look round at the new antenna installation, and I'm pleased to say that while it is definately higher, it's not all that visible due to trees in the castle ground, which when in full leaf, will hide it from ground level. Your best bet for seeing it, is to walk towards the castle down Boar Lane, and stay close to the wall at the old Stray's store, and you can just see it poking over the roof tops.

Since Shelagh was going to see the Beautiful South at Shefield, I decided to spend an evening with my radio. Managed to spend some time talking about the Lincoln repeater with Bob G7AVU, and nearly an hour on 70cm with John G8PSP, who I hadn't talked to since May. Oops. Won't leave it so long between calling CQ on 70cm next time. And the QSO didn't manage to flatten the Ni-Cad battery on my hand held either (although I was running medium power - 1W). I'm yet to try to run down the new Ni-MH batteries I've bought.

Sunday was as busy as usual, with 2 services to play the organ for, and a wedding to ring the bells for. Can't say I achieved an awful lot. Devilish spent the day with us, after Shelagh brought him home after the concert. After we'd taken him to the station, we spent a couple of hours in the Mayze with Andy, and discussed web site plans for the radio station, and identified a long list of things that need to be bought for engineering work (including those blessed 37 pin sub D plugs that I've been after for months). Grabbed a kebab on the way home, watched a bit of TV, and crawled into bed.

Can't say I slept very well last night. Woke up every couple of hours. By 0815, I really didn't want to get up, but dragged myself into the shower, and treated my teeth to an extra thorough cleaning to remove the evidence of last night. Then at 0840, I realised that both of my pairs of black trousers were still wet, and I hadn't got any ironed shirts to wear. So I pulled out the ironing board, and dug out some grey trousers. before dashing off to work.

I can still taste last night's kebab.


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