Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Window shopping

Blimey... where has the last week gone? I can't believe it's been 6 days since I last wrote anything. Ok, let's play catch-up.

Last Wednesday was the Sound Broadcast Equipment Show at the NEC in Birmingham. A chance for Andy, Duncan, Paul Walker, Shelagh, and I to have a day on expenses, and look at some nice new kit with which to rebuild the studio.

Initially, we had a look at the dream system that Duncan has been going on about for the last few weeks, Clyde's Synergy digital mixer. Ok, it looked kind of pretty, but it has a price tag to suit, and as we discovered throughout the day, there are other bit of kit that can do the same job. For example, take Brian Barr's BCX3, coupled with D&R's Lyra mixer. For a third of the cost, you have a roughly comparible system.

Other than the kit, we also bumped into loads of people that we knew from the world of broadcasting. All in all, it was a grand day out. Spent the evening editing together some production work that was on the work list, and it ended up being a very long day indeed.

I had told Shelagh that I'd take her furnature shopping on Thursday, but my current financial situation is getting rather dire. My end of month balance is usually quite low, but this month it's even lower than usual, and it's ringing alarm bells, especially with Christmas coming up, and I haven't started shopping yet! We spent the day shuffling money around accounts, paying a few bills, stopping a few direct debits, and then spending more money in Big W - ended up buying the new Harry Potter DVD, which resulted in us spending the afternoon watching it, rather than trying to suspend our gym membership. We haven't been to the gym for several weeks now - at least not since we've been on holiday, which probably means we haven't been at all during November. I might make an effort to go tonight if I'm not really needed at the studio.

Friday was just a blur of work, which is why I didn't write anything here. I had things from last Tuesday to fix, which I think I managed, but I really need to get my current project finished in the next day or two, so I can move on to something else, otherwise it'll drag on for ever more.

I spent all Saturday at the studio, training, and getting a start on the RS latch that I was supposed to be building for the guest headphone routing. Also had a look at the record library, and sorted another 200 tracks out.

Sunday morning was spent playing the organ at St Giles - and oddly enough, the service was rushed along somewhat, not that it bothers me much. Another trip to Big W for birthday cards, and the weekly shopping over lunch time, before I went on a trip to Lincoln with Andy to buy some TFT monitors for the studio.

...which brings us to this morning. An early start this morning to take Shelagh to work before my long expected visit to the dentist. I hate dentists at the best of times. These are not the best of times. I'm going to have to have several more visits over the coming months to sort out the broken tooth, and other problems that are developing. All of this is going to cost me some more money that I don't have. It also meant that I started work 90 minutes laters today, which means I'm not going to have a lunch hour for the next couple of days.


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