Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Starting to return to normal?

I've taken to writing my blog entries in a text editor, because is seems that blogspot are having problems with their server, and I've lost a couple of attempts to add entries now, and I didn't fancy writing much yesterday so... another update of the last few days...

Saturday... it seems this slight cold that has been floating around for the last week has decided to bite. Might have been something to so with not getting to bed until 3am after supervising the late shift at the radio station again. Didn't help that I ended having to drive the mixer for June for a full two hours before presenting my own 4 hour programme. It's left me very tired.

Sunday... err... oh yes, lots of organ playing. Must get the congregational church to sort out a tune up of their organ - it's drifted rather a lot in the last 12 months. Managed to find time to fix my parents' computer, and take it back down to Grantham, which was a good excuse to have a Sunday dinner with them. Finished the day by closing down the radio station. I think I finally flipped the TX switch at about 3 seconds after midnight, once I was sure there was no more audio. Didn't hang around as long as I would have liked afterwards due to Shelagh, who was driving for me, wanting to go to bed, and the fact I was full of cold. Oh well.

Monday... took off work. Felt really, really rotten. My chest was full of cack. Spent the day relaxing as much as possible, but still managed to re-install my scanner, which has been on the cards for about 6 months. Found out that Mistwraith, who is due to come on holiday with Shelagh and I in Novemeber is currently in hospital with a kidney infection. Erk!

Decided to get an early night in the hope I could get up for work this morning - which I achieved. Still not 100% well, but at least I can get a few things done.


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