Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Feeling unwell

Normally weeks have ups and downs, but last week has been a steady downward slope. In between a never end of people looking for radio training, the highlights of the week were as follows...

Wednesday evening - managed to teach some bell ringing at Barrowby before my regular trip to the hospital.

Thursday - donating blood, making me faint yet again, and then getting home in time to go to the radio club in Lincoln for an enjoyable evening out.

Friday - choir practise and the start of a new series of Big Brother (!)

Saturday - no, I can't remember what happened either... I think I spent the afternoon on my own at the studio pulling a keyboard apart to see if I could work out how to wire a remote control for the mixer. Had a bit of a fright in the evening, having just finished practising hymns for Sunday, my organ crackled, and emitted some smoke. I opened it up, but I can't find anything that looks burnt out, nor can I find any faults - it all seems to work... so I'm not sure what to think.

Sunday - another flurry of church services, etc.

Monday - utter chaos with 2 training sessions in the morning (and getting to meet a new presenter at Boundary Sound), followed by a nice meal at Zizzi's (good Italian food), then a trip to Chesterfield to see Shelagh's parents at a canal fair thing.

Tuesday - woke up dead. Well not quite. Either my busy lifestyle, or some nasty little virus, or maybe both, caught up with me, and I spent the morning shivering on the sofa. Phone in sick, and tried to sleep it off. Perked up by lunch time, and ended up doing some work on my work laptop. Had a parental visit in the evening for a show of holiday photos... not 35mm slides, but digital pictures piped onto the TV... but probably just as boring. (Actually I'm dead jealous that they go on holiday so often).

I'm going to have to start to take things a little easier before I completely burn myself out... and I don't think I'm going to find that very easy :-/


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