Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Changing up a gear

There was a time when I wrote here nearly every day, or every other day, but for various reasons I've stopped doing so, which is a shame, as I'm probably missing out on some details to stop myself from writing pages and pages of stuff. Oh well, I'm sure it's not really that exciting.

I had John Heald in for training last Tuesday evening. Set up a computer account, talked about a few things radio, and the importance of "teasing" before ad breaks during the next RSL. During the session, Duncan called, and we threw a few ideas about regarding sales strategy... not that I like getting involved with such evils.

Wednesday was very non-descript. Created some spreadsheets to make some log books for various purposes, with the intention of getting them full duplex photocopied and bound into books. Usual session at Radio Witham, where Keith is still doing battle with the satellite receiver to get the IRN feed running, but for some reason the receiver insists on having a card inserted. I gave Andy a quick call to see if he had a receiver that would work that I could donate - duely sorted, and a quick drink in the Mail Coach organised. We sat and discussed the management structure (another evil that I don't like getting involved in too much), and decided to appoint a programme controller to lessen Andy's long list of jobs, and also nominate some help for Duncan and the eternally problematic advert scheduling.

Thursday is all a bit of a blur. With no training booked, all the new management team got together in the studio to thrash out the programme schedule, the advert matrix, and just some general radio related banter. Things seem to be prgressing nicely, and we left things with just a couple of phone calls to make before the programme schedule is all sorted.

On Friday I had a complete break from things radio. Went to choir practise, having missed the last 2. Noted that the organ is now being "seen to" by a Nottingham based company, and that large portions of the organ were effectively unusable due to stuck notes, etc. Got home and decided to try to spot the ISS as it flew over at 21:35. Managed to sight it through the patchy cloud cover... always an impressive sight. Spent the rest of the evening drinking sherry with Dave, and talking about the usual rubbish.

On Saturday morning, I was determined to mow the lawns, having left it for 3 weeks. Really need to burn some more of the hedge, but it wasn't going to happen - simply not enough time. My first training booking of the afternoon was cancelled, so I spent the time looking at the telco channels on the mixer, and managed to make some progress, but it opened up some new questions. I composed an email to a contact that I'd been introduced to, who should be able to help me with these mixer related issues, but I didn't send the email, as I'm going to give him some time to contact me first, as I only have his address because the email to him was CCed to me. If I don't hear anything by the end of Monday (today) I'll send the email anyway. The second session was with Paul Lane. Discussed quite a lot, mic and ducking technique, Ots use, computer account generation, etc. Then time for a quick Chinese, and a trip to Grantham to pick up the log books that I wanted making on Wednesday. Then the rest of the evening disappeared somewhere.

Another early start on Sunday for the second week running, with Shelagh working long hours at the moment. Then on to some bell ringing, organ playing, and shopping in Grantham, dropping off the acquired satellite receiver at the hospital on the way. Then more bell ringing (losing a quarter peal), and some frighteningly short notice on some hymns for a song of praise style evensong service, before rushing some tea, and an evening training session with Stuart. Finally managed to get confirmation that the programme schedule is now complete, and then we're still waiting to hear about what happening with the CD/MD players that we were having serviced. And with that, another week is over.


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