Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, April 18, 2005

More breaking, building, and a kebab!

Ok, so last Wednesday was slightly exciting. I went down to Grantham, for my usual stint at Radio Witham, to find, shock, horror, someone has fitted the mixer in the new studio. It's been FIVE YEARS since the last time there was a mixer in that room. Do I feel the endo fhte project approaching? Only a few more wall panels, a bit of wiring, and a carpet to go I think. On the way home, I stopped via the Boundary Sound studio to reboot the studio computer, which Tim had managed to lock himself out of after he forgot to restart the ssh process. Doh. This presented me with an excuse for a kebab. I've not had one for a while, so I thought I'd treat myself.

By thursday morning, it had become apparent that the studio computer had crashed while it was completing its updates. Damn. So another late night trip to the studio to kick the reset button again. Once we'd got home, we finally removed the arm chairs out of the lounge, and into the garage in preparation for the delivery of our new sofa. Shelagh had managed to get a delivery time of "about 09:30" out of them, so we cleared as much as we could. The evening was spent in the Navigation celebrating Andy's birthday. I was on coke - my turn to drive.

On Friday morning, I was woken at 07:40 by the delivery people informing us they were on their way with the sofa. Great. It was delivered 40 minutes later, giving me just enough time to help Shelagh to unpack it, but not put it together. I knew there would be a bit of work to put things together - you'd expect it with an L shaped sofa, but this was virtually flat-pack! I managed a bit more construction at lunch time, and completed the job just as my parents arrived for dinner. I decided not to bother with choir practise, as I'm not playing at St Giles again for another 4 weeks, and so had a nice night in.

Shelagh and I spent some time on Saturday re-arranging the lounge a bit. Trying to find new homes for displaced items, such as the nested tables, the bin, and a pile of newspapers. Then, we went down to Grantham to get the car washed, and return a 6 channel mixer to Nigel. We hadn't been to see the Blands for a good 6 months, so it was nice to catch up with all the latest news. Then home for another quiet night in, arranging a meeting with Jacko next Thursday to plan a new jingle set.

Made the mistake of watching a film until gone 1am, when I had to be up early on Sunday morning to take Shelagh to work, as I needed the car to get to the Congregational church. I don't think the lack of sleep affected me too badly, although I took Sunday afternoon steadily. I should have attacked the lawns again, as more rain was forecast, and it had been dry for most of the weekend. Oh well... as long as it's not too long for next weekend. Had an early night...

...for an early start - Monday morning swimming. At last, managed to get there early enough to complete a full 32 lengths. Still weigh 13 stone, but then I've had a naughty week with kebabs, etc. Must try harder this week to behave!


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