Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Switch off

I'm not a fan of playing the organ for 2 church services in the morning. Dashing from one to the next always worries me. However, all went fairly well yesterday, bar one little false start, where Bob decided to carry on reading the words after a pause that I usually take as my cue. As a result I sort of collapsed on the keys (you have to understand that I "lean in" to play, and once I'm committed to playing, it's not easy to pull away quickly).

A lazy afternoon, and a late session at the radio station to switch off the transmitter at midnight. Ok, I'll admit, I wasn't paying attention (too busy giving a crash course on email filters), and when midnight arrived, James dashed off to pull the plug. Then it was just a matter of cleaning up the website, re-arranging a few cables, and killing a few server processes to stop web streams, etc. Managed to get to bed for 1am.

I'd got an appointment to see the dentist today, so I had to take Shelagh to work, so that I could have the car. This had the usual result of getting me to work about 20 minutes early. Not that it matters much. I know I've lost one of my fillings, and it'll need replacing.

So with all the broadcast radio stuff out of the way, maybe I'll manage to do some ham radio tonight? (No chance of bell ringing - not when it starts at 18:30 and I haven't eaten yet!)


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