Dyn's World

It's really really boring... most of the time... honest!

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Location: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

While I make my living out of being a software engineer, I'm trying to become a published author, writing books for teenagers.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Slowdown? Where?

Last time I wrote, I was about to head off to the HBA conference in Portsmouth. Well, it was another interesting weekend of emotional highs and lows, realisations and revelations. No swimming pool though!

Before I left, I managed to find some time to attach the 20 pin plug that I'd acquired to the end of a reel of multicore cable. I haven't yet got round to cutting the cable to length or fitting plugs on the other end, mainly because I still don't have the jack fields I would like.

I spent some time last weekend fitting a TBU remote button to the second phone channel on the mixer, only to find that there are a handful of ICs missing.

On Tuesday night I finally got round to inviting James to the studio with the intention of making him an assistant engineer. I really need an extra pair of hands about the place sometimmes. Just did the usual guided tour of the place, and spent a bit of time talking about dynamics processing.

Noticed that The Eye have started test tranmissions on 103.0MHz. Also noticed that there is a shadow in their coverage that spans the western part of the Vale of Belvoir.

Suffereing quite badly with a cold at the moment - just going to try to get some more rest this weekend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The next stage

Firstly, oops... I forgot to write!

I finally pulled the plug on the RSL last Tuesday (4th). However, this doesn't mean that I've been able to correct my sleep patterns. My brain is still going at a million miles per hour coming up with new ideas, and job lists.

I decided to try to get some parts for the MBI 24 mixer, and also seek out some other users of this monster of a desk. Still used in lots of places, apparently. Anyway, the upshot is a package that arrived this morning, with a 20 pin plug for the monitor channel. At last, I can wire up the monitor channel to do lots of useful things. Just need to get hold of a jack field or three now. I've also managed to get together the part to upgrade the second phone channel to "fully featured" (ie add a remote connect button to it). There a few more bulbs to replace (never ending job that).

Elsewhere, I've been able to enjoy some time on the ham radio front, getting some use out of my rig.

I've been buy on the church organ front, playing 3 services last Sunday (and no, I don't enjoy rushing from one church to the next).

I visited Tulip FM last night. While I was there, I helped them to sort out a problem they were having with their IRN feed (their receiver was overheating - simple as that). I was rather alarmed to notice that there was no metering in the studio. How on earth can you broadcast without a PPM or VU?

HBA conference coming up this weekend - leaving Shelagh to have the house to herself for a few days. I'll write a full report of the weekend - I expect it to be a busy one.